
Showing posts from 2013

"How come no one told me they cancelled Bunheads?"

"I am either: 1) Making a fabulous vindaloo-inspired chicken dinner; 2) Ruining food and vindaloo curry spice; 3) Ruining food, vindaloo curry spice and a wok. Note: I already broke a bowl."

"That awkward moment when in the track you're listening to the synth goes to this really sweet note and it's just hanging there and they're milking it and it's such a sweet note when will they resolve it? and then you realize it's not the music at all it's just your external drive. Still a sweet note though. Everything is music."

"You can play the song without the fills, but you can't play the fills without the song. Start with the basic function of the part as it relates to the song, then gradually add in the nuances of slight variations before finally adding the fills. Then you will understand better WHY the fills work in the song/ part the way that they do, you will understand the ins and outs of the song, and, most importantly, you'll be able to play the whole song through. The fills are like the gargoyles on the Notre Dame. They're very cool, but they need the rest of the church to raise them up, and the church needs its strong foundation to support it all. Start from the foundation and build upward."

"11 years ago today I met Michelle DiPoala and things have been getting better ever since. Even though we got married in April, we still think of July 12th as our Eno-versary."


"Lately I wake up every morning knowing the day is going to be awesome, and I haven't been wrong yet."

I got a baby grand piano
